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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Dx Review

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Choosing Your Starter Pokmon

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX Review

Similar to previous Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, the game starts with a brief personality quiz. This quiz determines which Starter Pokémon youll play as, as well as your partner Pokémon that will stick with you for the whole journey. Theres a nice range of possible Starter Pokémon16 in total, including favourites like Pikachu, Charmander, Meowth, and Eevee.

If you dont like the Pokémon duo assigned to you, there is an option to choose whichever ones youd like from the list. I opted to go with the Pokémon given to me, which was a Mudkip main, and a Charmander partner.

D: An Extra Dimention For Emotional Appeal

The whole reason the originals made us feel a connection to the characters , was that the Pokemon were made human-like. Yes, the main hero is a human-turned-Pokemon, but for the story to work the Pokemon had to behave like humans. They had facial expressions, they talked like humans, they joked like humans and they felt emotion like humans.

Now that the characters and the whole world is in 3D, we are able to sympathize with all the Pokemon world a lot more! As we pointed out time and time again, prepare for this epic nostalgia trip!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Dx Review: All Too Familiar

If you tried the demo a few months back, you’ve already got the gist of the introductory story. The Pokemon world is plagued with a series of natural disasters. They’re inexplicable, and they’re causing powerful Pokemon to freak out. It’s admittedly a bit of a bland setup, but it creates problems for the player to solve and works well enough.

The real story is much more interesting.

You’re a human who’s been turned into a Pokemon, and you don’t know why. So you do what you’d naturally do in that situation and band up with fellow Pokemon to help others in need by forming a Rescue Team.

It’s one of the game’s biggest strengths: being a Pokemon. It’s like watching one of those Pikachu shorts before the main Pokemon film.

Mystery Dungeon DX gives you a different perspective on the Pokemon world, one that’s cheerful, optimistic, and utterly adorable, and there’s really nothing quite like building a team of Poke-friends to go out and do good for others in need. On the whole, it’s a level of interaction and charm that’s noticeably missing from mainline Pokemon games.

Sadly, as in real life, you ruffle some feathers just by existing. You get on the wrong side of an evil rescue team that naturally wants to dominate the world, because about 50% of the Poke-World’s population apparently suffers from megalomania.

If it sounds like a “but” is coming, that’s because it is.

Only after a while, it’s more like “repeat ad nauseum.”

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon… doesn’t.

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Pokmon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Dx

Posted by Lewis | Mar 11, 2020 | Nintendo Switch Review, Review

Whilst gamers typically associate the Pokémon series with the adventures that see you embarking on a quest as a kid, catching Pokémon, and filling up your Pokédex as you clear gyms and look to become a Pokémon Master, there are some titles in the series that do things a little differently. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, the remake of the original Rescue Team titles from the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance, offers an adventure that completely changes the formula up by putting you in the role of the Pokémon themselves as they look to form a Rescue Team that help out fellow Pokémon who are in need. Sounds neat, right? It makes for a pretty enjoyable dungeon-crawling experience too, with the titles recent release on the Nintendo Switch offering gamers a fresh new take on the Pokémon universe.

Its a fun little narrative and one thats hard not to find yourself charmed by, with the cheery and whimsical tone of the tale and the characters that you meet ensuring that Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX remains fun throughout. Pokémon fans in particular will enjoy seeing the personalities of their favourites in more depth, with dialogue options with the creatures no longer restricted to them simply yelling their name but actually sharing conversations with each other in well-written and often quirky interactions. Its just a lot of fun and its easy to find yourself engrossed in the tale.


Awaken The True Pokmon Form Within You

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX

I still remember the day when I unwrapped the plastic barrier around my first Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game. I got the game when it first came out in 2005, and distinctly remember sitting in the backseat of my moms car. We were just driving away from either Target or Toys R Us, my brother got the DS version of the game, Blue Rescue Team, while I got the Gameboy version, Red Rescue Team. I was about eight years old at the time and had no idea that I was beginning a journey with a game series that would last throughout my entire life. I love the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. I loved it from the day I played the first iteration, Ive loved all the versions that came since, and I love it still with the gorgeous remake of the first title.

If youre unfamiliar with the Pokémon version of the mystery dungeon series than let me give you a quick overview. Youre a human who has been mysteriously brought forth into a world inhabited only by Pokémon. Before you enter this world, however, you take a fairly light-hearted quiz that determines what kind of person you are and therefore what kind of Pokémon you are.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team Dx Review: Still Exploring

Chunsoft’s Pokemon spinoff series has made its way to the Nintendo Switch with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX. Our review.

As with the main series, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon franchise has seen its fair share of ups and downs. Envisioning a portion of the Pokemon world free of humans where the creatures run their own society, Mystery Dungeon has offered an alternative to the formulaic main series games. The franchise began in 2005 with the release of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue team for the GameBoy and DS. Now, the franchise has hit the Nintendo Switch with the remake of these original titles.

But Why Are You A Pokemon

Of course, the game does have a narrative aspect to it, you haven’t just turned into a Pokemon for no reason whatsoever because that would be crazy. The gist of things is that you need to save the world as countless seemingly natural disasters happen all around you. Your journey will take you through various environments and you’ll meet a wide cast of characters all Pokemon, of course who have personalities that reflect just how you’d expect that Pokemon to act if it were real. Mankey is chaotic and boisterous, Xatu is calm and all-knowing, and Gengar is evil and mischievous. There’s a surprisingly deep message that persists throughout the narrative, highlighting the importance of friendship. Awh.

Once the story is done and dusted and you see The End on your screen, worry not that isn’t actually your time with the game over. Mystery Dungeon DX has more post-game content than it does in the main story, with more narrative to experience, dungeons to explore, and Pokemon to recruit.

The biggest change in this remake and perhaps the most important is the diversion from the classic pixel art style to a hand drawn aesthetic. Everything looks like it’s pulled straight out of something like Winnie the Pooh and frankly, this change on its own makes the game so much more endearing. Every single cutscene looks incredible and so stylistic. While the core mechanics may be stuck in 2006, the charm certainly isn’t.

3 out of 5

Recommended Reading: Pokemon Sun And Moon New Eevee Evolution

Pokmon Mystery Dungeon Dx Review

I am trying to think of what game it was that Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX reminds me of and honestly, I just cannot remember. Which is apt! Or we’ll make it apt anyway, if you’ll bear with me. It’s apt because Mystery Dungeon is one of those dreamy, trancelike, somewhat transient games. A playable hypnagogia daydream: all quite pleasant while you’re there but then as soon as you leave, poof! It’s gone from memory.

How We Selected The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Dx

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX Nintendo Switch Review – Is It Worth It?

Most of the products listed are not selected hand to hand. We used artificial intelligence to make the list. But we can assure you all the products listed here are of superior quality as they are already tested by real users, rated by expert reviewers, and recommended by real humans.

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Should You Buy This Remake

While the Camp system’s annoyances and the occasional trivialization of engagements due to temporary recruitment can be frustrating, Rescue Team DX is overall a great game that brings the 2005 original to life with beautiful visuals, a new score, and the return of the core gameplay and story experience that fans know and love.

If you can’t stand dealing with the Camp system, it may be best to avoid Pokémon: Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX. However, if you can survive having to grind for places for recruited Pokémon to live, the game is absolutely worth picking up.

Familiar Combat But Different

The entire game is all about tactically positioning your Pokemon, switching between your team leaders, and understanding type advantages. If you’re venturing inside Magma Cavern with Grass Types like Chikorita, Weedle, and Cacnea, chances are you’ll get stomped. Almost every dungeon has a theme which means you’ll only run into Pokemon of one or two types, so you can appropriately prepare your rescue squad for that specific mission.

Some aspects from the base games are found here to retain some familiarity. Each Pokemon can learn four different attacks, they level up as you’d expect, and you can buy items to help you on your escapades from a store before each adventure. But, this truly is where the similarities end though. Recruiting more Pokemon to your team doesn’t happen by catching them with Poke Balls instead, there’s a chance they will ask to join your party when you defeat them in battle. If you have a Pokemon on the current journey with the Squad Up ability, the chance of this happening is increased, meaning you can dive into dungeons with the sole purpose of recruiting more Pokemon.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Dx Review

  • First Released Sep 18, 2006released

By Cian Maher on March 9, 2020 at 10:41AM PDT

When the original pair of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games were released in 2006, they were received as the ugly Duckletts of Pokemon spin-offs. Now, almost 15 years later, it is clear how wrong we were to write off Spike Chunsoft’s ambitious take on the titanic series: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for Switch is wondrous to play and, in a way, boasts a substantially more resonant fable than most other recent Pokemon games.

You wake up one morning and everything seems pretty ordinary, at least until you realize that you’re not a human anymore. Instead, you’ve magically and mysteriously metamorphosed into a Pokemon–which exact species is determined by a fun little personality quiz you take at the beginning of the game. Before long you make a new best friend, who is also a Pokemon, and you decide to form a rescue team together. Why? To save foolish Pokemon who have ventured into dangerous dungeons stricken by environmental disasters, even though they’re totally aware of said environmental disasters. Over the course of the game, you embark on arduous odysseys to the many dungeons scattered sporadically across the world of Pokemon, each of which contains several ‘mons in desperate need of help and lots of others who are a bit aggravated by the daily earthquakes.

Eventually, every ugly Ducklett becomes a Swanna.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX Review: Aargh, the Feels!

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Overall Experience And Verdict

To us, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX is a must buy for fans of the series! Not only is it a great remake that gives the originals a fair amount of justice, but it is an emotionally-packed nostalgia trip as well. There are only a few things is better than playing an enjoyable game with characters that you met during your childhood in stunning 3D watercolor graphics that go oh so well with the original soundtrack!

However, we also strongly believe that newcomers or fans of the main Pokemon series would enjoy this fun, both light and dark adventure. So if you are considering buying it, we recommend playing the demo and dive in!

The only thing that could keep you from buying the game is its pricetag. Considering that it is a remake, 60$ may be a bit much. However, we still think it is a game that is worth buying. It has weeks of content and many added features to justifies its price point.

What are you waiting for?! The world needs saving AGAIN! Get your copy now and start on crawling in on those endless dungeons!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team Dx Is A Game Fans And Newcomers Will Both Enjoy

While it is true that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX doesnt do a lot to innovate, it is fun to play. Not only that, it features beautiful stylized watercolour graphics and core gameplay that is easy to pick up and play. The game offers quite a bit of replayability with its randomized dungeonsyoull never play the same one twice.

In the end, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX is a game experienced fans, and newcomers, can both get into and enjoy. Let me know in the comments section below if you plan on picking up Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX and who your favourite Pokémon is.

+ Exquisite graphics and sound+ Deep combat system that is easy to master+ New features enhance gameplay experience

Gameplay can become repetitive at times Does little to nothing to innovate the series

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Pokmon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Dx Review

When it comes to Pokémon spin-offs, the Mystery Dungeon series is probably the lengthiest. For every short-lived game like Pokémon Dash or Pokkén Tournament, theres a Mystery Dungeon title offering potentially hundreds of hours of gameplay. Of course, whether youd actually want to play one of them for hundreds of hours is the real question: this is a genre thats a bit of an acquired taste. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX the seventh entry in the series is a remake of the original Red / Blue Rescue Team on GBA and DS, and as a result, this dilemma hasnt really changed.

As in the original, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX has you playing as a human who wakes up one day to discover theyve turned into a Pokémon. With no memory of who you used to be before the transformation , your aim is to find out more about your past. Or at least it would be, were it not for the other Pokémon who befriends you at the start of the game and insists you start a rescue team with them .

Cue a seemingly endless series of missions that have you visiting one of the games many procedurally-generated dungeons and usually rescuing a Pokémon or retrieving an item on a specific floor of said dungeon. Naturally, as you level up your characters and progress through the game, you have to reach higher floor numbers, turning even the most basic missions into lengthy trawls.

Is It Any Good

Honest Review of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX

While this spin-off of the Pokemon franchise is fun, it’s repetitive, simplistic play keeps it from being loads of fun. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX is a remake of the original games. The originals rode the wave of Pokémania back in 2006, with spin-off titles for the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS. This game features enhanced graphics and sounds, extra content, and new features. While it accomplishes what it set out to do, Mystery Dungeon gets carried away with trying to make itself more accessible. Players can just hold down the L button to automatically navigate through the random dungeons, and when in combat, simply press the A button to automatically select the most effective attacks. Although it’s purely optional to make use of these features, it’s still hard not to feel like the game could just about play itself, with the player’s only real purpose being to hold down a couple of buttons.

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Review: Pokmon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Dx

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX

  • Platforms:
  • Publisher:Nintendo
  • Release: March 06, 2020
  • While Mystery Dungeon didnt originate as a Pokémon title, it was popularized in the west by the popular spin-off that would become the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. Originally for the Game Boy Advance and DS, Rescue Team Red and Blue started the unique spin-off for Pokémon that would end up being one of its most popular with multiple entries. Rescue Team DX was first unveiled at the beginning of the year during the Pokémon Direct and would have fans wildly excited after a multiple year absence for the series. Lets see just how well this remake holds up and if fans are in for the return to form theyve been waiting for.

    Closing Comments:

    Version Reviewed: Nintendo Switch

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