Thursday, July 25, 2024

Games Like Pokemon For Android

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Best Pokmon Games For Android And Ios 2021

Top 10 Like Pokémon Games To Play in 2020 (Android/IOS)

You’re most likely a real fan of the franchise, just like us! Today, in this article, we will share a list of the greatest Pokémon games for mobile devices on both Android and iOS!

There is currently a selection of Pokémon games available for mobile devices. It took a long time because Pokémon is one of the most popular video game brands. Each game has a different gameplay style.

This indicates that no two games provide the same experience. There aren’t many of them yet, but here are the top Pokémon games on Android!

Top 5 Pokémon games for mobile

  • Pokémon Quest

The Best Games Like Pokmon

Pokémon never really went out of style, but the franchise has been on peoples minds thanks to the mobile phenomenon Pokémon Go and the recent release of Pokémon: Sword and Shield on Nintendo Switch.

Pokémon is essentially like any other turn-based RPG, like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Dragon Quest. You assemble your party, level them up, customize their abilities, and engage in random battles against enemies while exploring your world. The real draw of Pokémon has always been collecting tiny creatures that populate the world and battling them against one another. While this format is not quite as common as the standard RPG, there are still quite a few to choose from, all of which benefit from their own unique look and gameplay.

With the launch of Pokémon: Sword and Shield in the rearview mirror, you might be craving some more critter-catching action. Luckily, there are plenty of games that replicate the beloved Pokémon formula that will hold you over until the next entry.

Jurassic World Alive Un Jeu Similaire Pokmon Go Avec Des Dinosaures

Changeons un peu dunivers et entrons dans lère Jurassique ! Pour les fans de Jurassic Park et Jurassic World, nous vous proposons de découvrir ce jeu avec des dinosaures en Réalité Augmentée. Avec ce jeu comme Pokémon GO, vous remplacez les Pokémon par des T-Rexs ou encore des Raptors ! Vous pourrez donc voir plein de dinosaures dans vos rues grâce à ce jeu en RA. Découvrez les espèces différentes de dinos et collectionnez-les en les apprivoisant !

Le jeu est un beau mélange entre Pokémon GO et Ark Survival Evolved. En plus de pouvoir capturer de nombreux dinosaures et de mener des combats contre dautres espèces et contre des joueurs, vous pourrez également créer vos propres créatures ! Créez des dinosaures hybrides dans vos laboratoires, remportez des récompenses et combattez en arène avec vos animaux ! Ce jeu sadresse principalement aux joueurs adeptes de jeux en Réalité Augmentée, avec une première expérience dans le domaine !

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Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is Niantics follow-up to Pokémon Go, and it follows the same formula pretty closely. Rather than collect monsters, you seek foundables, which are basically magical items that have no place in the real world. Our guide of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite locations lists both foundables, and the places you can travel in the game.

Youll participate in combat, performing spells with a series of swipes, collecting items from nearby locations, and crafting potions that boost your abilities. If you love Harry Potter more than you do Pokémon, this is well worth checking out. Be sure to check our Harry Potter: Wizards Unite guide for beginners tips!

The Rise Of Pokemon Go


If you dont know what Pokemon is, youve probably been living out in a desolate area. Pokemons are mystical, amazing, and very cute creatures that you can capture, train, and fight with on various platforms. There are currently multiple versions of the game, each with its own variation on the original set of 829 monsters. The goal is simple: You gotta catch em all!

Even before the actual Pokemon Go game came out, Pokemon was already very popular. What the game did, however, was bringing this fantasy world into reality as players could see the Pokemon through their screens. Relying on GPS technology and the cameras on your smartphones, you had to walk around and explore the world to discover and capture these creatures. Even more amusing was how the game made it feel like actual pokemon were somehow roaming the real world.

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Ingress Prime Pokmon Go Dans Le Concept Matrix Dans Lunivers

Décidément, Niantic est doué pour les jeux mobile en Réalité Augmentée ! Ce jeu est assez éloigné du concept de Pokémon GO, bien quil repose sur les mêmes mécaniques de RA. Dans Ingress Prime, vous incarnez un agent qui doit combattre des ennemis et collaborer avec dautres joueurs afin de maîtriser une mystérieuse puissance, la XM, la matière étrangère. Cette matière vient dailleurs et son origine est pour le moment inconnue. Agent, votre mission, si vous lacceptez, est dintégrer une des deux factions afin de faire évoluer lhumanité !

Au début du jeu, vous devez dabord choisir votre camp. Rejoignez soit les Éclairés, soit la Résistance, et battez-vous lors de vos rencontres ! Chaque faction doit récupérer diverses ressources en se rendant sur des lieux culturels telles que des expositions et uvres dart. Vous avez tout à fait la possibilité de collaborer avec dautres joueurs de votre faction pour amasser le plus de ressources possibles ! Votre but sera également dannexer des territoires en reliant des Portails entre eux. Attention, agents, car les membres de la faction adverse feront tout pour vous barrer la route ! Notez que ce jeu nest pas disponible pour les enfants de moins de 13 ans.

Shin Megami Tensei Series

If the cutesy, cartoon style of Pokémon is a turnoff, the Shin Megami Tensei series might be more your speed. Almost all of the series under the larger Megami Tensei umbrella Persona, Devil Survivor, Devil Summoner, Digital Devil Saga, and Shin Megami Tensei feature a collection or monster-training element that is reminiscent of Pokémon, but built around narrative with mature themes, and dark tales about demons, the occult, and technology.

For those core Pokémon-style collection mechanics, we recommend the core Shin Megami Tensei series. The most recent of the dungeon-crawler RPGs, Shin Megami Tensei IV and Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, require you to collect and level up creatures with unique strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. However, instead of simply capturing them, players must convince demons to join them through a dialogue mini-game. Once youve got them, you can combine your demons to create stronger creatures, or trade them with other players.

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Games Like Pokemon Go You Must Know

The rising popularity of AR games like Pokemon Go is rapidly increasing. With the limitless opportunities to enter into a fantasy world where players get to be any creature they want to be and go on adventures that are virtually out of this world, AR games are leading the ranks in the gaming industry. The best thing about it is that you only need a good mobile data connection and your smartphone to enjoy all the adventures that await you in all the best AR games.

Unlike many mobile games that have been criticized for causing gamers and other frequent mobile players to spend hours at home, leading a sedentary lifestyle, AR games merge the real and the virtual. It gets people moving!

Temple Treasure Hunt Game

Top 10 Games Like POKEMON Games on Android & IOS | OPEN WORLD POKEMON games (OFFLINE & ONLINE)

The Temple Treasure Hunt Game offers players the chance to go on a simulated treasure trail. With this game, you can choose to play inside or outdoors, with friends or on your own. If you play on your own, the app will create a treasure trail for you to follow. Youll have to work out clues and use your smarts to locate the virtual treasure.

Solo play can be enjoyable for a while, but the real fun comes into play when you get together and try Temple Treasure Hunt Game with your friends. One player can create a treasure trail in your local area and plan out their clues. Once the treasure trail has been built, the rest of your friend group can work together to locate the treasure.

The treasure trail creator could make things more interesting by hiding a real piece of treasure at the final destination, but the option to rely on the virtual treasure items in the game is also available.

Temple Treasure Hunt Game for iOS is Currently Unavailable

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Les Jeux Comme Pokmon Go

Ah, Pokémon GO ! Vous êtes nombreux à aimer ce type de jeux mobile en Réalité Augmentée. Très populaires, les jeux en RA utilisent souvent la géolocalisation du joueur pour faire apparaître des éléments de jeux dans votre environnement ! Dans Pokémon GO, cela se traduit par lapparition de Pokémon dans divers lieux où vous vous déplacez. Vous pouvez alors les combattre, ou bien les attraper ! Certains lieux sont également faits pour être des arènes. Bref, mélanger jeu et réalité, cest plutôt cool et nous savons que vous adorez ça. Par conséquent, nous avons décidé de vous offrir une petite sélection desmeilleurs jeux comme Pokémon GO. Ce TOP de jeux en Réalité Augmentée présente, bien entendu, des jeux gratuits, disponibles sur Android et sur iOS. Cest parti !

Games Like Pokemon: 8 Best Games Like Pokemon For Android And Iphone

Take a read through this list below to find the next best game to replace Pokemon Go on your smartphone. This list features games like Pokemon thatll encourage you to run, Pokemon alternative games thatll get you and your friends exploring your local area and even games that give you the opportunity to take control of your city.

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Top 5 Games Like Pokemon Go For Android

Pokemon GO is one of the most favourite games of mobile gamers around the world, and many of you must have loved playing it when it released back in 2016. If you have completed the game and want to fill the void that is left behind, you can now stop feeling sad, as there are many games similar to Pokemon GO that can be tried out!

Best Games Like Pokemon For Your Android Phone


Pokemon is popular globally now. It is definitely one of the most popular gaming franchises and it couldnt be enjoyed on mobile until recently. The game can be played in 2 ways, the card game, and the classic RPG. To give you all the identical choices you will fancy, check out our list of best games like pokemon for Android.

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Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Le Jeu Harry Potter En Ralit Augmente

Prêts pour entrer à Poudlard ? Dans la lignée des jeux inspirés de la saga de J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter: Wizard Unite simpose comme un des meilleurs jeux de RA. Fortement similaire à Pokémon GO, le jeu est issu du même studio de jeux video, Niantic ! Ici, pas de Pokémon, mais de véritables créatures issues du monde des sorciers. Hippogriffes, gobelins, niffleurs, dragons Tout est là pour recréer le monde dHarry Potter en Réalité Augmentée.

Dans ce jeu comme Pokémon GO, vous pourrez également interagir avec des personnages emblématiques de la saga tels que Harry, Ron, Hermione ou encore Dumbledore. Redécouvrez des lieux connus de lhistoire dHarry Potter IRL ! Entrez dans le Portoloin et baladez-vous pour découvrir à votre tour la boutique dOllivander, le Ministère de la magie, ou encore la Cabane de Hagrid et la Forêt Interdite !

Ces lieux peuvent se déployer lorsque vous lancez le jeu, téléphone placé face à un lieu tel quun musée, une église ou dans une simple rue près de chez vous. Dans ce jeu, apprenez de nombreux sorts, rassemblez des ingrédients pour faire des potions et affrontez des Mangemorts et autres créatures ! En plus de tout cela, des combats épiques vous attendent contre des joueurs du monde entier. Selon moi, il sagit là du meilleur jeu en RA sur le marché !

World Of Final Fantasy

World of Final Fantasy is one of the many Final Fantasy spin-off titles released by Square Enix. It’s often compared with the Pokemon series, although the similarities are fairly limited beyond the game’s monster catching mechanic. Granted, this is one of Pokemon‘s defining features, but the training and battling elements that supplement it in Pokemon just aren’t there in World of Final Fantasy.

For those who simply have to catch them all though, World of Final Fantasy certainly won’t disappoint. There are plenty of familiar faces in the monster lineup as well as some new and unique designs. This one will probably appeal to Final Fantasy fans more than anyone else. Even then though, the Chibi art style may not be to everyone’s tastes.

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The Walking Dead: Our World Le Meilleur Jeu De Survie En Ralit Augmente Sur Mobile

Vous aimez les jeux de zombies ? Voici un jeu apocalyptique comme Pokémon GO, issu de lunivers des BDs The Walking Dead. Le but du jeu est assez simple, vous devez chasser des zombies pour nettoyer les rues des villes que vous visitez ! Faites équipe avec Michonne ou bien Daryl Dixon pour tuer le plus de zombies possible, le tout dans lunivers de la série TWD.

Ce jeu de survie est également un véritable jeu dexploration puisque vous devez partir à la chasse pour amasser des cartes de collection pour voyager avec vos héros préférés ! La particularité de ce jeu, cest que vous navez pas spécialement besoin de vous déplacer pour explorer la carte. Globalement, ce jeu de tir en Réalité Augmentée correspond bien aux amoureux dhorreur qui nont pas froid aux yeux ! Petite option en plus : vous pourrez affronter dautres groupes de survivants dans des combats mortels en PvP ! Cool, non ?

Bonus The Witcher : Monster Slayer Pour Des Combats De Monstres En Ralit Augmente

Top 5 Mobile Games Like Pokémon! (iOS & Android)

Le jeu mobile The Witcher en Réalité Augmentée nest pas encore sorti. Cependant, nous vous avions déjà parlé des préinscriptions sur mobile Android ! Vous savez donc quun nouveau jeu en RA va bientôt sortir et reprendra lunivers du sorceleur ! Dans ce jeu, vous aurez la possibilité de traquer et combattre des monstres de toutes sortes ! En plus, cest un jeu signé CD Red Projekt !

Alors, êtes-vous daccord avec notre sélection des meilleurs jeux comme Pokémon GO Android et iOS ? Si un jeu mobile gratuit en Réalité Augmentée nous a échappé, nhésitez pas à en faire part en commentaire pour compléter notre TOP ! Partagez-nous votre expérience de jeu et restez connectés pour plus de contenus sur les jeux mobile. En attendant, vous pouvez toujours consulter notre TOP des meilleurs jeux mobile comme Among Us !

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Jade Cocoon: Story Of The Tamamayu

Jade Cocoon: Story Of The Tamamayu is one of the most underrated RPGs on the PlayStation. It’s starting to show some cracks visually, but its story and gameplay are top-notch. The game shares more than a few similarities with Pokemon, but also has some great ideas of its own. Even when its ideas don’t quite land, it’s easy to see what the developers were going for.

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In Jade Cocoon, players catch and obtain Minions which can be used in battle. Players can breed and fuse them together and there are 175 of them in total. One of the more interesting mechanics in the game is the catch level, which makes it easier for players to catch Minions based on how many they have already caught. It’s a nice idea and one that wouldn’t feel at all out of place in a modern Pokemon game.

Chocobos Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy

Available on: PS4, Nintendo Switch

The latest in the Mystery Dungeon series, you play as a Chocobo and his pal Cid who are treasure hunters journeying through dungeons in order to help the town of Lostime. The townspeople have lost their memories thanks to the Bell of Oblivion that causes them to forget every time it rings. As the lovable Final Fantasy bird and his buddy, you have to recover their memories and restore what was once lost. Each person’s memory is locked in different dungeons which are randomly generated, so you never know what traps or challenges await you. The dungeons and battles arent too dissimilar to those you find in Pokemon RPGs. As you traverse through the dungeons youll encounter various monsters who you can befriend using the buddy system. The monsters will then fight with you in the dungeons and help ease your way through some tough battles. Pokemon has already popped up in this long-running series, with the latest version being Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon on the 3DS back in 2016, so if you enjoyed that, you’ll love this just as much.

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Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch

Ni No Kuni is a traditional RPG made in conjunction with the world-renowned animation studio, Studio Ghibli, known for acclaimed films such as My Neighbor Totoro, Grave of the Fireflies, and Spirited Away. Created by Level-5 yes, the same Level-5 behind Yo-Kai Watch Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a whimsical JRPG where players take the role of Oliver, a young boy who enters a magical kingdom in order to save his mother. Along the way, you can recruit, train, and evolve creatures known as Familiars, who battle alongside Oliver. Like Pokémon, Familiars have specific stats, types, and moves that determine their effectiveness against other types of Familiars.

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a deep game with a sweeping storyline, and with well over 300 Familiars to recruit and train, you can get quite a bit out of this charming RPG. Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch originally released for PlayStation 3, but a remastered version is available on Ps4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The PS4/PC sequel, Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, dropped the Familiars, so if youre looking for games similar to Pokémon, youll want to stick to the excellent original.

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