Thursday, July 25, 2024

Evolve Eevee Pokemon Go Names

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To Evolve Your Eevee Into The Eeveeloution Below Give It The Nickname That Follows:

Pokemon Go: HOW TO EVOLVE EEVEE! (Name Trick)
  • Espeon Sakura

  • Vaporeon Rainer

  • Umbreon Tamao

Pro tip: Before you click the ‘Evolve’ button, be sure you see the the silhouette of the evolution you want!

If you don’t see the correct silhouette , it means you may have spelled it wrong or already used the nickname trick for that Eeveeloution.

Remember, the Eevee evolution nickname trick only works once!

How To Get Sylveon In Pokemon Go

Sylveon, the most recent addition to the Eeveelutions, and the method to obtaining it is a bit tedious but totally worth it. Trainers can check out our Pokemon Go Sylveon guide for more in-depth details, but the gist to getting Sylveon is through the friendship meter in Pokemon Go.

Trainers need to make Eevee their buddy and earn 70 hearts with it. Again, this will take a while, but as long as trainers can maximize the amount of hearts earned each day they will eventually get to that mark. Trainers will know they received the right amount of hearts when the silhouette in the evolution area of Eevees in-game information screen shows Sylveon.

I’m currently a GamesRadar guide contributor with a specialty in everything Pokemon GO. If you’ve wanted to know the best way to take down a Rayquaza, there’s a good chance you read one of my guides. I previously have written for IBT Media, Newsweek and Screen Rant. I’m a huge fighting game fan and everything Pokemon, but I’ve grown to love RPGs.

How To Evolve Into Espeon And Umbreon

The first time you want to get your hands on Espeon and Umbreon, you can use the name trick detailed above. Evolve an Eeevee called Tamao to get an Umbreon, or an Eevee named Sakura to evolve it into Espeon. After that, you’ll need to evolve them the old-fashioned way, by completing certain goals.

For Espeon and Umbreon, you can also evolve into them based on their in-game method of evolution in Pokemon Gold and Silver back on the Game Boy – based on the time of day. In order to do this, you’ll first need to build a relationship with your Eevee. Set them as your buddy Pokemon and walk with them as much as you can.

Once you’ve walked 10km with that Eevee as your buddy Pokemon, it’s ready to evolve into either Epseon or Umbreon. Just evolve in the day for Espeon and night for Umbreon – and this isn’t limited, you can do it as often as you like!

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Pokemon Go Wiki Guide

Similar to the main Pokemon game series, the cute little Eevee has multiple evolution types in Pokemon Go. As part of this page, not only will we breakdown Eevee‘s evolution types and names in Pokemon Go, we will also delve into the much asked question of how to evolve Eevee into Espeon.

This branching evolution setup can turn it into more powerful elemental versions of itself: specifically Water, Fire, and Electric . With February’s Gen 2 update, Eevee can now also evolve into the Psychic-type Espeon and the Dark-type Umbreon!

Once an Eevee has evolved, it cannot be evolved into a different type. Each Eevee evolution costs 25 candy.

Eevee‘s evolutions in Pokemon Go are usually triggered randomly, unless you use the trick below! This is confirmed to also work with Espeon and Umbreon.

How To Get Leafeon & Glaceon In Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO Eevee: how to get every Eeveelution in the game

Having used the Eevee names trick once in Pokemon Go, for the Gen IV mon, Leafeon and Glaceon, youll need to either buy or earn a Glacial Lure Module and a Mossy Lure Module. They can both be bought in the in-game Shop for 200 PokeCoins, but can very rarely be earned via tasks.

Once youve got one in hand, follow these steps:

  • Go to a nearby PokeStop and place the Lure down on it: Glacial for Glaceon, and Mossy for Leafeon. They each last for 30 minutes.
  • Then, you can simply click on the usual Evolve button on Eevees page and itll transform into whichever one youve picked.

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Pokmon Go: How To Get Leafeon Glaceon And All The Eevee Evolutions

Eevee – the Evolution Pokémon: no other Pokémon has so much potential. With seven different “Eeveelutions” this Normal type Pokémon can be evolved into a Water, Electric, Fire, Psychic, Dark, Grass, or Ice type. Now that Trainers can Go Beyond level 40, you will need to evolve every variation of Eevee again. But, before you go hitting evolve and hoping the random number generator grants you the Eeveelution of your choice, read our guide on how to evolve Eevee, so you don’t end up with 20 Vaporeon and no Umbreon. Also, be sure to check out our Best Pokémon Go Accessories to make sure you’re fully equipped for your Pokémon Journey!

How To Evolve Eevee Without The Name Trick

Unfortunately Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon all evolve randomly from Eevee. However, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, and Leafeon have alternative methods.

Umbreon and Espeon both evolve after walking with the Eevee as your buddy Pokémon for 10 kilometers. Once thats done, the buddy Eevee evolved during the night will yield Umbreon while the day will yield Espeon. Note that when you evolve Eevee, it still needs to be your buddy Pokémon for this trick to work.

Leafeon and Glaceon can both be reliably evolved from spinning a Mossy Lure or a Glacial Lure, respectively. After spinning a Pokéstop with these Lure Modules active, the next Eevee you will evolve will become its leaf or ice form. Note that you need to be in range of the Lure Module. You will see the chosen Eevee evolution icon change once youve spun one of these lured Pokéstops.

Sylveonwill evolve after being set as your buddy Pokémon and earning 70 hearts with it. This will take several days of play, but you can speed up the process by using Poffins.

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Pokemon Go Eevee Name Trick Guide: What Nicknames Evolve Eevee

With Sylveon now available, it’s time for another Eevee naming trick!

Eevee is one of the cutest Pokemon in the world. Its eight different evolutions all have their uses in Pokemon GO, but how you get them can be a daunting process. But by using the secret Eevee name trick, you can get whichever you want fast.

Whether you’re after the new Pokemon Sylveon or just don’t have the items needed to get a Glaceon, there’s a secret Eevee name trick in Pokemon GO that can get you all of Eevee’s evolutions without the complicated requirements. Here’s how it works.

How To Rename Eevee To Evolve Into Sylveon Leafeon Glaceon Umbreon Espeon Vaporeon Jolteon And Flareon

Pokemon GO – Eevee Evolution Naming Trick – How to Evolve Into Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Flareon

Evolving Eevee using the required 25 Eevee candy will produce a random evolution. However, you can control which type it turns into by renaming the monster beforehand:

  • Rename Kira to evolve into Fairy-type Sylveon
  • Rename Linnea to evolve into Grass-type Leafeon
  • Rename Rea to evolve into Ice-type Glaceon
  • Rename Sakura to evolve into Psychic-type Espeon
  • Rename Tamao to evolve into Dark-type Umbreon
  • Rename Rainer to evolve into Water-type Vaporeon
  • Rename Sparky to evolve into Electric-type Jolteon
  • Rename Pyro to evolve into Fire-type Flareon

There are some caveats here. This only works one time per evolution, so if you plan to use your Eeveelution in battle, make sure youve chosen an Eevee with favourable stats. The naming trick is currently the only guaranteed way to evolve Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon once youve done it once, itll be up to random chance if you get another, regardless of what youve named it.

There are tricks to reliably evolving the other Eevee varieties more than once, though

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Pokmon Go: How To Evolve Umbreon And Espeon

You can also specifically evolve the Gen 2 evolutions Umbreon and Espeon from Eevee. To do this, you must first make the Eevee in question your buddy, just as with the Sylveon evolution. Once thats done, youll have to walk ten kilometres with it, collecting two candies along the way. Important note: Dont relieve Eevee of the role of buddy after that, it must hold this position when you evolve it for the method to work.

If your Eevee has met the above conditions, it can evolve into Espeon during the day, and Umbreon at night. Wait until the lighting in the game clearly shows whichever time you need to achieve the desired result.

The evolution tricks for Sylveon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, and Espeon can be used infinitely, unlike the name trick.

Written by Marco Wutz on behalf of GLHF.

Pokmon Go Eeveelutions: How To Evolve Eevee Into Evolutions Slyveon Leafeon Glaceon Umbreon Espeon Vaporeon Flareon And Jolteon With These Eevee Names

Here’s how Eevee evolutions work. If you choose to evolve Eevee without any meddling – by feeding it 25 Eevee candy – then it’ll turn to Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon at random.

However, players have discovered a trick that allows you to target any of Sylveon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Espeon, Umbreon, Flareon, Jolteon or Vaporeon by using one of the following Eevee names:

  • Rename Eevee as Kira to evolve into fairy-type Sylveon
  • Rename Eevee as Linnea to evolve into leaf-type Leafeon
  • Rename Eevee as Rea to evolve into ice-type Glaceon
  • Rename Eevee as Sakura to evolve into psychic-type Espeon
  • Rename Eevee as Tamao to evolve into dark-type Umbreon
  • Rename Eevee as Rainer to evolve into water-type Vaporeon
  • Rename Eevee as Sparky to evolve into lightning-type Jolteon
  • Rename Eevee as Pyro to evolve into fire-type Flareon

Important note – the trick only works once per evolution type, so make sure you choose Eevees with the best CP values before you evolve them into the type you want.

Thank you to redwineandbeer from reddit for confirming the nickname for Sylveon.

That said, for select Eevee evolutions, its possible to get the specific types you want through a second method…

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All Eevee Name Hacks In Pokemon Go

With the recent release of Glaceon and Leafeon in Pokemon GO, there are now 7 different evolution options for Eevee. To evolve Eevee, youll need to rack up 25 Eevee Candy by catching Eevee and transferring excess Eevee to Professor Willow. To get a specific evolution for Eevee, youll also need to rename them before you begin the evolution process.

To rename your Eevee, tap the pencil icon next to their name and then type in the new name you want them to have. Below, weve listed the names associated with each different evolution for Eevee in Pokemon GO.

  • Jolteon – Sparky

Evolving Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon

Eevee Evolution Guide: Name Tricks, Buddy and Lure Evolution

Once you have used the naming trick for these three Pokémon, a normal evolutionon Eevee will have an equal random chance of getting Vaporeon,Jolteon, or Flareon.

If you have walked over 10km with Eevee as your buddy, andyou don’t want to get Espeon or Umbreon, make sure that Eevee isn’tyour buddy when evolving it!

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How To Evolve Eevee Into Espeon

There is a secret that lets you determine your Eevee‘s fate. You can choose which evolution form to evolve your Eevee into by naming it Sakura , Tamao , Pyro , Rainer or Sparky . This is an Easter egg reference to trainers and the Eevee Brothers from the original anime series. Note that you have to make sure you use a capital first letter and lower case names .Also take note that, although in Pokemon Gold and Silver Espeon could only be obtained during the day, and Umbreon at night, this is not the case in Pokemon Go. Each evolution can be obtained regardless of the time of day.


This will only work once for each of the five names. After that, no matter what you name your Eevee, the evolution will be random.

You can still get Espeon and Umbreon reliably after using the name trick by walking with the Eevee as your buddy and feeding it at least two candies before evolving. Evolving at night will get an Umbreon and at day will result in Espeon. The Eevee needs to still be your buddy at the time of evolving or this trick won’t work.

The Story Behind The Eevee Naming Method In Pokemon Go

Now that you know the Eevee naming method in Pokemon GO, you might be wondering where it comes from. As I’m sure some of you will know, Niantic didn’t just pull these evolution names out of a hat, no, it actually looked to the Pokemon anime for inspiration. The Battling Everly Brothers featured in the TV series, each with his own Eeveelution. The names used in Pokemon GO are a direct reference to these pokemon, which is pretty neat throwback if you ask me.

We’ve even got a video for you below, showing how to evolve Eevee into Umbreon and Espeon

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Evolving Eevee Into Leafeon In Pokemon Go

Leafeon is the 470th Pokemon and is the first Eevee evolution from the Sinnoh region. Leafeon is a grass type, so it’s strong in battles against rock and ground types, as well as water Pokemon like Poliwag.

To get Leafon, simply change an Eevees name to “Linnea,” then evolve it with 25 Eevee candies.

An alternative method to the name cheat is to purchase a Mossy Lure Module from the Pokemon Go Store for 200 coins, placing it in a Poke Stop, then evolving an Eevee while youre near it.

Eevee Pokemon Go Names For Evolution

How To Evolve Espeon & Umbreon! Pokemon GO Generation 2 Eevee Name Change Trick!

If you are searching for Eevee pokemon go names for evolution you came to the right place. Pokemon has been a popular game for ages. With Pokemon Go, the stakes are higher. There are plenty of characters to choose from and with Evee evolution nicknames becoming a rage, the popularity of the franchise has hit roof high. In this article, we would discuss the Eevee pokemon go names nicknames, the Eevee evolutions, and the likes.

Eevee pokemon go names, nicknames, and name trick

Unlike the other Pokemon, Pokemon Go Eevee has a total of eight evolutions. The general idea is that it is hard to get while it is not at all.

It is pertinent to know that each evolution is different from each other and hence the steps that need to be taken are different from each other.

The characters that are at your disposal are Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Flareon, Jolteon, or Sylveon. Given the number of characters. Relying on random methods for evolution is a strict no-go.

Before we delve any further, let us first relate each character to the elements.

  • Vaporeon is associated with the water
  • Flareon is with fire or flames
  • Jolteon relates with electricity
  • Umbreon is the dark type
  • Espeon is related to psychicabilities
  • Glaceon, as the name suggests, is associated with glacier
  • Leafeon is more adhering to nature so it safely can be related to the grasstype
  • Sylveon is fairytype

Let us look at the eeveelution and what they are lovingly called:

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What Is The Best Eevee Evolution In Pokemon Go

First of all, let’s have a look at the max stats of Eeveelutions in the game:

Eevee evolution

Umbreon is arguably the best Eevee evolution form in Pokemon Go as it has great use in PvP, especially in the Great League and the Ultra League. It also comes with some powerful moves, making it one of the top Dark-type Pokemon in the game.

Sylveon as Fairy-type Pokemon dominates Dragon-type Pokemon so it will find great use in the Master League, rather than the Great and Ultra Leagues. It is a great alternative to Togekiss or Gardevoir, which are harder to build.

While not a PvP king anymore, Vaporeon is a great Water-type that performs well in both PvP and PvE. It is a great alternative for players that don’t have a strong Kyogre or Gyarados.

Glaceon and Leafeon are just decent choices in their Pokemon types respectively, which have some potential in the Master League when fighting with a type advantage.

Ideally, you would want to skip Jolteon, Espeon, and Flareon entirely as they are the weakest Eevee evolutions, although Espeon has some good PvE potential if you lack a more powerful Psychic-type Pokemon.

How To Evolve Multiple Leafeons And Glaceons With A Lure Module

Theres also another method to evolve Eevee into Leafeon and Glaceon perhaps the most obvious way if youve had a look in the games shop.

Available from the in-game store for 200 coins apiece, the Mossy and Glacial Lure Modules work just like the ordinary Lure Modules in the game. Simply buy whichever one takes your fancy and use it on a nearby PokéStop.

  • Mossy Lure Module Used to evolve Eevee into Leafeon
  • Glacial Lure Module Used to evolve Eevee into Glaceon

Youll notice that it attracts specific types of Pokémon to your area, but click on one of the Eevees in your collection while within range of the PokéStop and youll see that its evolution button has changed to the respective target evolution. Hit the button and Eevee will evolve into Leafeon or Glaceon right before your eyes .

Make sure youre within range of the PokéStop and that the evolution button is indicating a new evolution before you press it, rather than displaying the usual Eevee question mark symbol.

Its also worth noting that these Lure Modules behave just like the ordinary variants within the game. This means that if another player has used a special Eevee Lure Module on a nearby PokéStop, you can swoop in and use it to evolve your own Eevee. .

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